24 April 2009

hey, you kids, get off my lawn!

Spider-Man made a deal with the devil that erased his marriage to Mary Jane (okay, kids, dealing with the devil is much less of a moral compromise than divorce); Batman's painting in a cave in Lascaux; loner Wolverine is literally on every superhero team in the Marvel Universe ('tis true~ Avengers! X-Men! X-Force! even Fantastic Four (or the future "Fantastic Force" or some such)! Power Pack!) & the original mutant of mystery now has an "origin" more storied & convoluted than the creation of the internet it-own-self; there's a red & green Hulk (don't even ask!); & how the heck does Aquaman make his waycool water-balls with a hook-hand?!

Give me this any day:

'Nuff said.

1 comment:

Robt Seda-Schreiber said...

& don't even get me started on all the infinite identity final crises, civil wars, secret invasions, & dark reigns...