07 December 2012

"Obama Said Knock You Out" for all of your holiday gift-giving needs...

Hey kids-
A month after the election, & less than a month 'til the holidaze, I am delighted to offer the design that became a world-wide sensation, "Obama Said Knock You Out", on a veritable plethora of products for purchase via CafePress.
Check out the over one hunnert styles of waycool stuff, ranging from t-shirts to water bottles, snuggies to gym bags, doggy shirts to onezies, & of course, my favorite, a thong...
& in the holiday spirit, all my profits from these sales will go to benefit the Ali Forney Center,
so get a few for yerself & friends & family as well.
Check 'em all out for cool stuff & good karma. Enjoy:

 Please go & see the rest of the goodies @ CafePress.
Wear & display my waycool design all over your body & all 'round your house & support the Ali Forney Center whilst doing so.
Happy holidaze, kids!

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